Viewfinder Preview

Camera framing app for iPhone

Versions 1.3.1 - 1.3.3

Version 1.3.3 of Viewfinder Preview is now available in the App Store. This update includes storing the ISO, aperture and shutter speed stop increments with each film format setup. It also fixes a couple of bugs related to the storing of various data with the film format setup. And finally a crash bug has been fixed when an image fails to load.

Previously the last app update I wrote about was version 1.3 so I will detail all the changes since then below.

In version 1.3.1 an option was added to stop resetting manual exposure mode on application restart and a crash when sharing photos on the iPad was fixed.

In version 1.3.2 a crash that occurred while deleting photos from outside the app was fixed. Also I increased the maximum focal length and film format sizes.

You can see the full release notes here.